It is precisely at this juncture that the boss finds himself in double jeopardy. 恰恰在这个关键时刻,上司发现自己处于进退两难的境地。
The Principle Against Double Jeopardy in the International Arbitration for Sports 国际体育仲裁中一事不再理原则的适用
Study of the rule against double jeopardy in criminal process ii. 刑事诉讼中的禁止双重危险规则论。
As in so many other areas of discrimination, women face double jeopardy. 正如在别的地方存在的歧视,女性面临的是双重歧视。
Protection Against Double Jeopardy in Normative Criminal; Research on the Principle of Prohibiting Alteration with Prejudice in Civil Appeal Trial 民事上诉审禁止不利益变更原则研究
The rule against double jeopardy, which originated from the principle of Non Bis Idem in the Roman law, has been stipulated in constitution or criminal procedural law in many nations and is considered a cornerstone of modern criminal justice administration. 禁止双重危险原则发轫于罗马法一事不再理原则,为许多国家的宪法或刑事诉讼法所规定,是现代刑事司法的一项基石原则。
And if the output of the retrial is unfavorable to the accused, it will contradict with the principle of prohibition double jeopardy. 只要启动再审程序,就会与既判力发生直接冲突,而如果再审的结果加重了原判刑罚,则又会与禁止双重危险原则相冲突。
Double jeopardy: Two possible causes of sudden death in a previously healthy man 双重危机:健康人的两种可能猝死原因
The principle of double jeopardy prohibition was originated and developed in the Anglo-American law. 禁止双重危险原则是英美法国家处理刑事再审案件所依据的原则。
China should Establish the Principle of Prohibition Against Double Jeopardy 我国应确立禁止双重危险原则
If preceding and subsequent actions, though accord with two constitutions of crime differently, invade same interest, only the preceding action should be punished in terms of the principle of double jeopardy. 不罚之后行为是指两个前后符合不同犯罪构成的行为,由于行为侵害法益相同,根据双重评价禁止原则,只以前行为定罪量刑,后行为不再处罚的情况。
Some contents of prohibition against double jeopardy can be stipulated in the procedure that decisions do not become effective, more stipulations of retrial procedure of continent countries should be learned to reform the procedure for trial supervision of our country. 在改造判决生效前程序上更多地吸收英美国家避免双重危险规则的合理内容,改造刑事审判监督程序则应更多地学习大陆法系国家再审程序的做法。
The protection from double jeopardy is an old legal rule in the western countries which is normally based on such a moral sentiment that no one shall be prosecuted and obliged to suffer more than once for his one single offence. 禁止双重危险本是西方一项古老的伦理和法律原则,意在强调任何人均不应因其同一项犯罪行为而不止一次地遭受被追诉或被惩罚之苦。
On the Development of the Rule against Double Jeopardy and Its Revelation Controlling and Optimizing of Bar Double-rule Flying Shears 禁止双重危险原则的历史发展及其启示棒材倍尺飞剪的控制与优化
The current Chinese criminal procedure law has not yet stipulated or manifested the rule against double jeopardy. 我国现行刑事诉讼法没有规定或体现禁止双重危险规则。
The criminal retrial procedure is an exception to the "double jeopardy" principle, and it should only be started under such restrictions as strict reasonableness, preferential to the prosecuted, no trial without complaint, etc. 刑事再审程序是一事不再理原则的例外,其启动应受启动理由严格性、有利于被告、不告不理等原则限制。
The rationales of the rule against double jeopardy are: the risk of wrongful conviction; 禁止双重危险规则的理论依据有四:再审会增加对被告人予以错误定罪的风险;
The third part is the comparison and evaluation of the principle of prohibition against double jeopardy in overseas. 第三部分是国外禁止双重危险原则比较与评析。
On this basis we analyse the punishment pattern of unit crime unit of our country. The double jeopardy achieves dominant position in unit criminal penalty principle of our country, accounted for 90% in the whole unit crime punishment system, and the single-penalty for supplementary. 并在此基础上评析了我国单位犯罪的处罚模式。我国单位犯罪处罚原则中两罚制处罚占主导地位,在整个单位犯罪处罚体系中占了90%的部分,并以单罚制为补充。
The author demonstrates the theory of ne bis in idem in continental law system and the rule against double jeopardy in common law system and their exceptions. 本部分首先阐述了大陆法系国家普遍采用的一事不再理原则和英美法系国家适用的禁止双重危险规则涵义及其适用的例外。
The author emphatically elaborates on the elementary theoretical concept of the principle, including the historical evolution 、 the basic meaning and character 、 the values and so on, that lay solid theoretical basis for the establishment of the principle of prohibition against double jeopardy. 该部分着重阐述了禁止双重危险原则的历史沿革、概念及特点、价值理念等基本理论问题,为之后禁止双重危险原则的确立奠定了坚实的理论基础。
The second part is the definition of the principle of prohibition against double jeopardy. 第二部分是禁止双重危险原则界定。
The principle of prohibition against double jeopardy is a fundamental principle in criminal proceedings in the modern legal country, and intends to emphasize that every person do not suffer two criminal prosecution 、 trial 、 conviction or the pain of sentence because of the identical criminality. 禁止双重危险原则是现代法治国家刑事诉讼中的一项基本原则,意在强调任何人均不得因为同一犯罪行为而遭受司法机关两次以上的刑事追诉、审判、定罪或者科刑之苦。
These provisions that are conflict with the principle of prohibition against double jeopardy run the counter direction with science 、 civilization development of criminal proceedings system. 这些同禁止双重危险原则相冲突的规定在本质上背离了目前刑事诉讼制度科学、文明的发展方向。
Therefore, how to correctly understand and absorb the essence of the principle of prohibition against double jeopardy to reform the criminal proceedings system in China, has become one of the urgent issues in the legal profession. 因此,如何正确认识并吸收借鉴禁止双重危险原则的理念精髓来改革我国的刑事诉讼制度,已经成为当前法律界亟待解决的问题之一。